“If a band can be defined by its drink of choice, the Latenight Callers would be a 12-year scotch. "The aesthetic of what we do is timeless," baritone guitarist Krysztof Nemeth says. "We're like the house band at David Lynch's pool party." Technically, the Latenight Callers occupy the electro-noir genre: a sexy blend of synths, reverb-heavy guitars and dancing bass riffs behind lusty female vocals. The band's live show is a vaudevillian take on the classic lounge act, sparkling at the edges with glittery, vintage rock and roll.” — Jenny Kratz, The Pitch
The Latenight Callers occupy the electro-noir genre: a sexy blend of synths, reverb-heavy guitars and dancing bass riffs behind lusty female vocals. The band's live show is a vaudevillian take on the classic lounge act, sparkling at the edges with glittery, vintage rock and roll.
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